If you are thinking of being a web designer, read this first?
I’m a web designer in Norfolk. Grea!… Is it? Being a web designer is not always as varied as you may think. If you work on just the graphics, then I suppose you may find your job is quite different from day to day. But if you if you are a one stop shop for websites & web design then you will find some of your day may be quite repetitive. For example, at Ulric we create copy for websites on behalf of the client. While we sometimes enjoy this process if the web design project is an interesting one, mostly it’s writing about products or services that you may not be interested in at all. OK, so you can give that job to someone else. So, move onto website code, this again can be interesting, if the website is not just a four-page brochure with text and images in a normal layout. OK, so what about maintenance, mmmhhhhh do I really have to answer that one, and that goes for bug fixing as well. OK, so why be a web designer? The answer is simple, if you want to be a web designer or work on website from which ever perspective you want, then be a people person. In my opinion web design is about people, anyone can learn how to build websites and create graphics but not everyone can love working with so many different sorts of people. That’s why I do what I do, I love creating websites that make my clients happy.
Alex Russell
Ulric Web Design Norfolk